When I first came to Langkawi, I was direct from a medical working environment. It’s really hard to shake that desire to help others, especially when you’re in the medical field. So after arriving in Langkawi and meeting a wide range of people, I was introduced to Charity Club Langkawi (CCL). “Hey, Vanessa would you like to help…?” Yes, music to my ears. I’ve had my own encounters with helping others of different cultures and sometimes good intentions can be misinterpreted. But this ‘club’ had already been established and was very active in the community.

There’s truly nothing like seeing the welcoming smiles of local people. And donating time with CCL is a great way to meet locals. On the few village deliveries that I’ve participated in (where an assortment of freebees are up for grabs), I’ve met some wonderful people. And truth be known, I suspect some people don’t actually need anything for themselves but will indeed take for a friend or extended family member.

I use to be a ‘second hand’ snob, but you’d be amazed at some of the great items that are donated to Charity Club Langkawi. People leave to return to a cold climate and have no use for summer wear, children outgrow their clothes, (adults outgrow their clothes), people move to smaller houses and have too much ‘stuff’. I’ve plundered through bags of donated items myself and gotten very excited about a second hand treasure. (F.Y.I. non-locals are required to donate cash not just grab and run). But still for the good of the community.

The core group of women who started the Charity Club Langkawi are locals and Expats. They have put in so many selfless hours and accomplished so much to improve the lives of others, but that’s why they have been such a success. True devotion to their cause in a community that they love, Langkawi.

People sometimes need house repairs, help with medical expenses, food, etc.. for a number of reasons. The working spouse could become sick, or lose their job. Or a death in the family. CCL also assists families with applications for jobs and even Government assistance. All those forms can be quite over whelming for anyone, but even worse when a family is under duress.

Some may question why one family is assisted and not another. Well, CCL doesn’t go door to door, they need our assistance in directing them to these individuals or families. And they need our time and donations. The list of individual volunteers and sponsors who help (past or present) is extensive, and you can find them listed on the CCL website.

Last year I had a conversation with a busy working mother about her little boy. He was very shy and had endured teasing because of a disfigurement. It didn’t appear to be too extensive and possibly easily corrected . I thought a trip to a specialist would be worth looking into. But as I was told by the mother , it would cost too much. Busy body that I am, I passed it on to CCL.

I was amazed at how quickly they made it happen. With a ‘special’ community fund raiser and a visit to a specialist, this wonderful little boy is now a force to be reckoned with. That shyness? Essentially gone.

Recently, Charity Club Langkawi held its first major fundraising event at the Westin Resort & Spa; a Masquerade Ball. This event raised an amazing RM 36,000! The majority of these funds will be used for their Food Parcel Programme, which delivers food to families in need.

Commenting on the Ball, CCL Chairman, Belinda Koh said “This was a wonderful evening and we are grateful to our major and co-sponsors for their generous support and to everyone for attending. The aim of the event was not just to raise funds and have an enjoyable evening, but to give us an opportunity to introduce CCL and its work with underprivileged families to the wider local community, which should bode well for our future.”

In addition to all the gathering of donations, food parcel deliveries, and their general community outreach, CCL has 66 local school children being sponsored this year from various individuals! Helping families pay for uniforms, books and annual fees. If you’d like to get involved with Charity Club Langkawi, any assistance is appreciated and put to good use. Whether you are donating your time, money, or material goods, you are helping make a difference. Charity does indeed begin at home in Langkawi.
For further information please contact:
Sheila Allum, Secretary (01)6 687 6600
or visit their website HERE
Great article, Vanessa! Really sums up the CCL’s wonderful work in a touching and effective essay! Bravo!
Thank you Tevie, I’ve been fortunate to have first hand experience with them and all their efforts. They have definitely improved lives and influenced people.