When I first visited Langkawi in 2006, I had lunch with friends at a place called Nam’s at Bon Ton Resort. Fabulous dining in an exotic atmosphere was high on my list of vacation adventure. But what caught my eye that day was a small pamphlet with the name LASSie on it. I knew that word from my childhood TV star, but this was referring to Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary.

I read about their rescue program with interest and realized what a great opportunity to offer a ‘gift’ to them as well as a ‘gift’ to loved ones. Does my aunt really need another potted plant? Or a sweater she’ll give to Goodwill? No. Coming from a family of animal lovers, I could easily tick off all my necessary gifts and give something even bigger.; a donation to an animal sanctuary. I took those pamphlets back to the United States and made my Christmas list.

Fast forward to 2008. Little did I know at the time that I would be living and working in Southeast Asia and that Langkawi was in my future. (A long story, but never mind lah).

Moving to Malaysia also meant bringing 2 American ‘stray’ cats with me, my ‘kids’. (And before you say anything about bringing ‘sand to the beach’, I have since adopted a total of 10 cats and then some). Loving home, food, shelter, and medical. So, when looking for a veterinarian, I was told to go to Bon Ton. I only knew of Bon Ton as the great restaurant and resort, but I took the advice and have since passed this information to others. Bon Ton Clinic has now became synonymous with Bon Ton Resort.

The Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary ( LASSie )program is tied in with the Bon Ton Animal Clinic. The program is run from profits from the resort and restaurant in addition to donations and sponsorships. What started out as a clinic for strays has developed into a full-fledged veterinarian clinic. Local pets as well as stray dogs and cats are cared for by the staff (which often includes many volunteers). In fact there is ample opportunity for volunteering! There is also a fantastic gift shop in the Bon Ton Resort, and the unique items they offer also help fund the Animal Sanctuary.

Not everyone has the same feelings about pets, or animals in general, but animal lovers can often get their heart strings pulled while traveling. I recently saw a dog, on a Thailand beach, dragging his legs behind him. I started crying and picked up the dog to carry him to the shade. Quick to judge I was. It turned out that this Ko Lipe pup had a huge extended family and was well loved and cared for. He had been in that condition for a while and so well fed I could barely pick him up!

I have adopted plenty of critters and if they find their way to my doorstep, I do what I can. But, there are others that are not so lucky and find no friendly doorstep . They spend their time looking for food, even as young babies. With a few extra donations these animals can have a better chance. They actually give a lot to the community in pest control and unconditional love. They don’t ask for much. With donations to LASSie, an unwanted animal can get a loving home, food and medical attention or a stray can have a better chance at fending for one instead of an entire litter. LASSie also embraces community education and understanding about animal care .

The history of Bon Ton goes back 20 years to Narelle and her love for animals. She has done her part and then some. If you happen to come to Langkawi, please take a look at Bon Ton’s Animal Clinic (Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary ). Give some love to a furry friend, take a pooch or two for a nice walk, or maybe give the International gift of love with a donation.
Langkawi Animal Shelter & Sanctuary
Pantai Cenang, Langkawi
Tel: +6 04-955 7561
Open: Monday-Friday 10am to 1pm & 3pm to 6pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm on Saturdays
Sundays closed
2023 Update: https://www.facebook.com/Langkawi.LASSie/
LASSie no longer offers veterinarian services, but they still need help. You can help them by volunteering to walk dogs, spending time with the cats, adopt from them, donating toys, treats, medicine, building materials, food, and money.
Can read more about Langkawi Stray Dogs & Cats here: Langkawi Stray Dogs and Cats, How You Can Help
Hi, my friend and I are currently tourists in Langkawi and we have found 3 puppies who appear to have been abandoned in a drain by the side of the road. They seem to be about 3 months old and seem to be used to being handled by humans- one in particular is very friendly. Is there anyway your organisation can help these puppies as unfortunately we cannot take them home with us at the moment?
Thank you in advance for any advice/ information 😊
Laura and Ciara
Hey Laura, LASSie is no longer what it was at the time of this post, but they do still provide a safe haven a few dogs and cats, and can advise you the most recent ‘rescue’ efforts contacts (there are several groups now, but not necessarily solid consistent contact numbers). There are many wild dogs (as well as strays) and sometimes it’s difficult to know which is which when it comes to puppies. Plus many tourists and locals are leaving food around the island, so now ‘wild’ are getting more accustomed to humans. The fastest direct way would be to go to Bon Ton (gift shop in front) and hopefully they can help.