Want to get from Langkawi to Koh Lipe? It’s relatively easy! I’ve lost count of how many times I have taken the ferry from Langkawi to Koh Lipe, but for the longest time I actually thought the island was closed during the ‘low’ season. But that’s certainly not true. Koh Lipe is open year round, but getting there quickly from Langkawi, Malaysia isn’t always an option. However, when the monsoon season ends in the Andaman Sea and the Koh Lipe immigration office opens their doors to another high season, the Langkawi to Koh Lipe ferry service begins. And it couldn’t get any easier to get to Southern Thailand’s pristine jewel. This great seasonal option makes a visit to Koh Lipe as well as Langkawi not too time consuming or expensive. Two unique islands side by side is a no brainer, right? How does it work? Read on!

Departures from Langkawi to Koh Lipe
Two Langkawi departure locations are available; Kuah Jetty and Telaga Harbor, in Pantai Kok. Kuah’s main ferry terminal, which is year-round, also services the ferries to and from Kuala Perlis, Kuala Kedah and Penang as well as Satun, Thailand. The Telaga Harbor departure point is ‘seasonal’ and is only available part of the year. Telaga Harbor is the closest to the airport and the popular beaches, thus a slightly less distance to travel if you are using taxi services.

Purchasing Langkawi to Koh Lipe Ferry Tickets
Tickets can be purchased online or in person with most tour desk operators. I personally prefer to book online and through a direct source. Traipsing back and forth to a tour office and finding the office closed for meal breaks is not my idea of a good time. Book it yourself and get your transportation to the departure point situated and you’re good to go. For Telaga departures, Telaga Terminal offers online services and direct purchase from their office at Telaga Harbor. For Kuah departures, you can make direct ticket purchases at the Kuah Ferry Terminal or book your ferry tickets as well as other transportation needs at BusOnLineTicket
*Ferry services from Langkawi to Koh Lipe are available from ‘early to mid October to late May/early June’, but the exact dates vary from year to year depending on the Koh Lipe immigration office.

Immigration (part 1)
Langkawi immigration offices are located at both Telaga Harbor and the Kuah Jetty. The departing procedure is quick and efficient for both departures and arrivals. Your luggage will usually be screened (in Kuah) so don’t try to sneak extra duty free through, because it could be embarrassing if you are caught. Treat the ferry immigration procedure as you would if you were boarding an airplane and be sure to allow at least 90-minutes prior to departures (for the immigration process). Once through immigration, you will soon be boarding your ferry for the 90-minute ride to Koh Lipe. Do note that you will also be crossing a time zone. Langkawi time is one hour ahead of Koh Lipe time, so be sure to set your watch accordingly.
*Depending on staffing, the immigration check point for the seasonal transfer to and from Langkawi to Koh Lipe could be just to the left of the blue ferry terminal building at the ‘new’ screening office and not the yellow building.

Once You Get There and Immigration (part 2)
Arriving in Koh Lipe, passengers are usually delivered to the offshore dock where they will then be transferred to local water taxis. The Koh Lipe immigration office is located on Pattaya Beach and (sometimes Sunrise Beach). There are three main beaches on Koh Lipe; Pattaya, Sunrise and Sunset Beach. A water taxi will deliver you first to Pattaya Beach (or Sunrise Beach). The water taxi will cost you about 50baht and they will usually take ringgit as well (about 5-ringgit). The taxi will deliver passengers to shore and it’s just off the beach, so you will be stepping onto a floating dock. There may be instances where you will still need to disembark into knee deep water, so be prepared either way by wearing practical shoes and making sure your electronics are protected, just in case.

Once you and your luggage have safely made landfall, the immigration office awaits. In Pattaya Beach, the ferry service has already delivered your passport to the check-in team. Your job now is to check in with the ticket collectors and listen for instructions. The wait is about 10-15 minutes before they call your name and you get your passport back. Don’t wander off! If you absolutely must have a cold one, there are cold drinks and beer available directly across from the Pattaya Beach immigration office.
*Koh Lipe is part of the Tarutao National Park, so expect to pay a park entry fee of 200baht. This park fee covers 5 days and allows you to visit any of the other islands within the national park without additional fee. Put it in a safe place and don’t lose it.
Ok, you are officially in Koh Lipe, now what?
If you’re the organized type you already know which hotel you will be staying in. If you are staying on Pattaya beach you may be able to get someone to assist you with your luggage. Regardless of which beach your hotel is located on, the higher end hotels usually have transportation waiting, so make sure you are on their pick up schedule. Other options for getting elsewhere, other than on foot, will be a motorcycle-sidecar taxi or a water taxi. Motorbike taxis.
I’ve been told that the water taxis are usually run by local Urak Lawoi sea gypsies and by utilizing their excellent services you help them be self sufficient as a tribe. If you didn’t already know, the Urak Lawoi are the original people of Koh Lipe. The cost for either taxi services will vary depending on the distance. For the most part folks are honest so try not to be too much of an annoying tourist negotiator (unless the price quoted sounds crazy high, then I’d say go for it!)

Need To Know
You will probably want to exchange money immediately, unless you already picked up baht in Langkawi. There are plenty of money changers along walking street and ATM services are now also available. Crime is nearly unheard of in Koh Lipe. It’s either ‘What happens in Koh Lipe, stays in Koh Lipe’ or it is one of the safest islands in Thailand. There is a police station and medical services are available in Koh Lipe. Tourist police are local volunteers who do a super good job at keeping an eye on things. CCTV cameras are also placed along walking street as a deterrent against crime. An excellent on the ground resource for tours and onward travel is Manah Lipe Travel and Tour. He is located on Walking Street near Elephant Cafe.

Places to Stay
There are plenty of accommodation options in Koh Lipe, but my personal preferences are located along the waterfront in Pattaya Beach and a favorite new location in Sunrise Beach; Lipe Beach Resort. Pattaya Beach wins my love for it’s convenience to walking street and the picture perfect sunset views. Sunrise Beach wins my love for fewer people, lack of noise and amazing sunrises. Of the places I have stayed in Pattaya Beach, Sanom Beach Resort, Mali Beach Resort and Sita Beach Resort are my three top picks. Lower rates are often available during low season or at the end of high season. I highly recommend securing a hotel at least for the first night to avoid spending your precious vacation time going door-to-door. That can be especially unpleasant if you are dragging a heavy suitcase with you.

Places to Eat
When it comes to eating in Koh Lipe, the dining options are also plentiful! Roti Mina on Walking Street is one of my all time favorites for a spacious quiet place to eat. The sea gypsy owned and operated Daya Resort, on the north end of Pattaya Beach, has a nightly grill going that is very laid back and serves delicious fresh seafood. Sanom Beach Resort (also sea gypsy owned and operated) serves superb breakfast, lunch and dinners. The Urak Lawoi culinary influences add unique recipes to their menu (the veggie fritters are fantastic!). Mini marts and street vendors will also keep you well supplied with snacks and beverages.

Things to Do
What to do in Koh Lipe? Enjoying the beach and the crystal clear waters is the best way to spend time in Koh Lipe! But diving and snorkeling is also popular as well as island hopping and fishing trips. I also recommend using the services of local sea gypsy owned and operated businesses whenever you can, to help them preserve the Urak Lawoi culture and heritage. And do take advantage of the island’s spa services! From my personal experience, the best massages and spas are available along the Pattaya Beach waterfront (not Walking Street). They are usually ‘hustle’ free so you won’t have anyone chasing you down the beach insisting you visit them. The prices are reasonable and the services are professional. Nothing beats a Thai massage after a long day relaxing at the beach, am I right? You may never want to leave Koh Lipe!

Departures And Ongoing Travel
Returning to Langkawi is obviously the same game plan in reverse. Booking a day in advance is advisable. Although you will save a few bucks buying roundtrip tickets, I’m inclined not to pre-purchase a return ticket just in case some new, exciting opportunity comes up and a change of plans is in order. If the ferries from Langkawi to Koh Lipe are available, it’s safe to say that most onward ferry travel will also be available. One could even journey all the way to Phuket by ferry or speed boat during this time of the year.

Langkawi to Koh Lipe Alternative Routes
If you are traveling from Thailand, the seasonal immigration services are the same for Koh Lipe. If, however you would like to visit Koh Lipe off season, the Thai immigration office is at the Satun ferry terminal (which also takes arrivals from Langkawi). But the boats from mainland Thailand to Koh Lipe only depart from Pak Bara year-round. Pak Bara is about 45-minutes up the coast from Satun City and you can grab a private taxi or mini van depending on your travel mood. If you are in a hurry, I highly recommend taking a private taxi (which isn’t cheap 1200-1800baht), but it can make a big difference if you are trying to catch a departing boat in a timely manner. My experience with mini vans is that they can be ridiculously slow, especially if the driver doesn’t have a full van and decides to cruise through Satun looking for extra passengers.
*Do note that mini van passengers are no longer delivered from Satun to Pak Bara, but will be dropped in Langu (about 10 minutes up the road). It’s a mystery to me why this is the new procedure, but considering the onward travel options appear to be very eager motorbike taxis (I was quoted a whopping 80baht for the 10-minute ride) I suspect that might have something to do with it. This of course adds even more time to the getting from point A to point B plan. If you simply start walking down the road in Langu you may get lucky with a passing songthaew, which will be less expensive and safer overall.
Satun ferry services to and from Langkawi are 2 times a day on either side (depending on the time of year). If you miss the last Satun to Langkawi ferry (around 16:00), well that’s a whole new adventure. You might find Langkawi to Hat Yai in 3 Easy Steps a helpful read.
So that’s it in a nut shell! Do note that some of the basic procedures may vary, from time to time, for a variety of reasons, but for the most part this is how things ‘usually’ work. The Langkawi and Koh Lipe itinerary is an excellent way to visit two unique tropical destinations. And taking advantage of the seasonal ferry services is well worth it. I assure you, you’ll have a great time!
*This post was last updated in September 2023.
My Tips:
*Need a hotel for the night or two in Langkawi? You can check out some of my recommendations in 30 Great Places to Stay in Langkawi or Booking.com for more options. For convenient ‘kampung stay’ options near the airport, check out Langkawi Guide to a Unique Kampung Stay.
*It may be possible to take a day trip from Langkawi to Koh Lipe if your Malaysian travel visa isn’t an issue. Thailand immigration may be ok with a one-day border cross and immediate return, but Malaysia immigration is not. They are quite generous with a 90-day tourist visa, so do play by the rules and do the proper 72-hours (minimal) out of Malaysia or it could mess up your long term Malaysia travel plans.
*Ferry rides are not the time to ‘party’. Being in a reasonably clear state of mind is in your best interest for safety reasons as well as your meet and greet with immigration officers. No one will be happy to welcome an intoxicated idiot to their country.
*Are you prone to seasickness? Inquire about the ferry boat style when you purchase your tickets, because you may have an option for open-air versus enclosed ferry, which can make a big difference when it comes to nausea.
*Do consider waterproofing everything including your suitcase or backpack and especially your electronics.
*Wear practical shoes for the boat ride, the boat may be slippery and you may also be loading or unloading in knee-deep water.
*Give yourself plenty of time between a ferry ride and a flight to catch or you could just have a nervous breakdown trying to beat the clock. Too many things ‘could’ happen that can throw a tight time schedule off so do consider that when making various bookings. (Murphy’s Law is real).
*If you are returning to Langkawi at either the Kuah or Telaga ferry terminals you will be greeted as ‘new arrivals’ (and fare game for a few) by many taxis.
In Kuah, just as soon as you leave immigrations, the friendly chaps who speak great English may not be your actual driver and he (usually a guy) may even point you towards the side entrance. A special deal may or may not be waiting for you there and you could find yourself with someone who you cannot communicate with nor who really knows the area. My advice? Go straight to the front of the ferry terminal and look for the friendliest and ‘older’ taxi drivers. An official taxi hire desk is also inside the jetty terminal. No offense to the youngsters, but the seasoned ‘uncles’ are usually the taxi rock stars. They may even share some Langkawi stories with you and that’s always a bonus!
In Telaga, the taxi drivers are well versed in the ferry to hotel or airport routine. They will be waiting for you just outside of the immigration office. They often wear uniform-type shirts as well so there is no mistaking a real taxi with someone who may just be passing by and wants to make a few bucks. Regardless, do be sure to have the name, address and phone number of your intended destination (unless of course it’s the airport).
Hey Promo Traveller, yes but only Koh Lipe-Langkawi directly from October to about Mayish. Otherwise you can take a ferry from Langkawi to Satun and then take the mini van/taxi north to Pak Bara where they have ferries year round to Koh Lipe. You can also catch a ‘speed boat’ from Phuket all the way down to Koh Lipe and then ferry/speed boat onward to Langkawi during generally those same months. Hurry, you still have two months to take advantage of this convenient option! :D
Excellent blog Vanessa, thank you. I’m traveling at Christmas and was considering doing a day trip from Langkawi to Koh Lipe. Your tips are really informative.
Thank you Joanne!Glad you found it helpful. Day trips are possible, but be sure to try to book as soon as you have a solid plan or check with the ferry companies in case there is a risk of not getting a seat. Christmas time gets busy in Koh Lipe. :D
Hi Vanessa,
Thanks for the great info. We are in Penang and meeting friends on Koh Lipe on Oct 26. I see that both ferry operators only have a 9:30am boat until Nov 1. Ideally we would like to avoid having to overnight on Langkawi on route, so an option I’ve found is the 7:45-8:20am flight from Penang to Langkawi, then the 9:30am ferry from Langkawi to Lipe. IDo you think we’ll have enough transit time to get our bags and a taxi from the airport to the Telaga port to make the 9am check-in cutoff time? Do you know if there is normally a long queue?
Thanks in advance for any tips,
Hi Anton, that is super tight and zero room for even one small problem. Telaga is about 20 minutes from the airport, so if you land on time and blast out of the airport you can make it. IF the plane is late (or gasp gets canceled or retimed).. and you miss the boat you still have a Plan B. Which would be to head straight into Kuah and catch the ferry to Satun (three per day) and immediately get the direct mini van to Pak Bara, Thailand and catch a ferry from there. There should be a 12 noon (Thai time) ferry speed boat to Koh Lipe from there. Quite an adventure but still a way to get there on the 26th, IF you miss the ferry. Langkawi is an hour ahead of Koh Lipe. (FYI). If you are flying on a budget airline, sometimes rather than have two flights with half filled seats, they will reschedule the flight for the next flight. (speaking from personal experience and many Plan Bs). Oh and the ferries to Koh Lipe from Langkawi usually prefer you book a day in advance. Hope this abundance of yammer will be helpful. Good luck and please let me know how it goes!
Hi, do we need to book the ferry ticket advanced from Kuah to Koh Lipe ? or there is always available all times ? Else do you think that booking online will be trusted and convenince? If booking thru online, where should I collect the ferry ticket ? Where to get the depature imigration card ? need to pay for the card ?
Hi Ms. Hwang, When you book online from one of the companies I have mentioned, you will get a confirmation email. I personally vouch for the companies I mention in the blog, because I’ve used their services.They are reputable companies. Usually anything online, they request a day in advance. You could probably go to a counter and hope there is a seat available on the day you want to leave, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. The services also have offices at Telaga and Kuah and they will take care of everything once you check in and show your confirmation number. Immigration offices are also at Telaga Harbor and Kuah (and seasonally Koh Lipe). Hope this helps.
Hi Vanessa how long is the journey from Telaga or from Kuah to Koh Lipe?
Once through immigrations, you will soon be boarding your ferry for the 90-minute ride to Koh Lipe. You will be handing your passport, with a completed Thai immigration card, to the ferry service as you board the boat.
Is it possible to bring elderly via ferry n a wheelchair,
Hey Kasturi, You should probably call or email the ferry company about this request. Tropical Charters may be able to make special arrangements. There is an offshore transfer to a smaller boat and a beach landing. There is no ‘pier’ in Koh Lipe that I know of..
Hi Vanessa, is it possible to bring my 1 year old son to koh lipe?
Hi Irene, absolutely! He’ll love it. Sunscreen and beach toys and he’ll be good to go. :)
Thanks for your reply Vanessa, if i not mistaken , after we take ferry still have to change to a small speed boat right? Or if we choose ferry, no need to change to speed boat and straight reach koh lipe island?
You’re welcome Irene. There is a platform/dock off shore at Pattaya Beach. The ferries dock there (in deeper water) and everyone unloads and then gets redistributed to head to shore in smaller Thai boats (protects the coral), usually manned by Sea Gypsy boatmen. It ‘was’ a 50baht fee for that, but if you are going further it will cost a bit extra (sustainable btw and helps the local economy). From the off shore dock there is a beach landing at Pattaya Beach for immigration check in. If not staying in the area or if carrying lots of luggage (or a baby) you can negotiate a moto taxi to take you to your hotel or take another local boat for delivery to whatever beach area you are staying. If you are staying in a higher end hotel, you can usually request that they meet you at the immigration and take you to your hotel. But yes on coming and going you may be wading through shallow (unless you are very short) water a bit, and climbing in and out of a boat. Be sure to wear appropriate footwear!! :D The guys on the beach will also be very helpful to help you get in and out of the boats. The ‘speed boat’ options are usually coming and going from Pak Bara or islands further north. Langkawi no longer has that option as far as I know. THOSE boats are able to go straight to shore. ps: I highly recommend bringing large plastic bags in case seas are rough, you happen to be someone like me who trips a lot or if raining etc… I once actually got very wet as did all my luggage. I had to wear a hotel staff uniform for the endurance of my stay because all of my clothes were drenched! :D (it was also raining so drying my clothes in a timely manner didn’t happen).
Hi Vanessa,
Looking through the web I found many speed boat / ferry companies that does the Lankgawi / Ko Lipe crossing. I look at a return in March from Lipe to Langkawi. I see different departure time (15:30, 16:00 and 16:30) with arriving time of 18:00 and 18:30. Are those time accurate or only approximative times? I need to catch a flight at 19:40 from Langkawi airport and I want to make sure I have enough time to make it on time considering immigration and taxi ride to the airport. Do you have a company to recommend? Do you think that’s doable or too tight?
Hey Mathieu, do keep in mind that there is a one hour time difference between Thailand and Langkawi. If you leave Thailand at 4:00pm it will actually be 5:00pm in Langkawi. So you will be arriving in Langkawi just 30 minutes to an hour before your flight. Depending on the airline most close their check in gate an hour before the flight. (Firefly is 30 min). From landing in Telaga, getting through immigration and immediately taking a taxi to the airport to check your luggage in by 6:30/6:40 would make me sweat. It’s doable if you are arriving by no later than 6pm (in Telaga).The taxis will all be waiting just outside of Telaga immigration and they know the routine. Weekends and school holidays you may find longer lines. You should call or email the Langkawi ferry people for their opinion, but I personally think it’s tight. But then my luck generally runs to ‘something always happens’. :D
Thanks Vanessa! Very helpful! :)
You’re welcome, good luck! And have a great time! :D
Thanks for your answer Vanessa! I know there is a 1h time difference between Lipe and Langkawi. But have you took one of those ferries? Do you have a company to recommend? Are those ferries usually on time? I spoke to one of the ferry company (Tiger Ferry) and the lady said I would make it on time without any problem as the ferry going to Telaga takes around 1h to cross. That means I would arrive at around 18:00 to Telaga and my flight leaves at 19:40. Malaysia Airlines close their check in office 45 min. before departure. I think I have enough time but I am like you I don’t like that. How long does immigration takes in Telaga?
Hey Mathieu, Telaga immigration is generally fast, but if you happen to be traveling on a school holiday or a weekend.. dunno. You just have a selection of variables which increase the odds of Murphy’s Law. I think it’s tight and I personally wouldn’t want the stress, especially after a lovely holiday in Koh Lipe. Like I said, I have bad transportation karma. My luck would be that the taxi would get a flat or the flight would change schedule and leave early. :D And yes I have taken the ferries from Telaga and they are awesome. Very professional too. In fact if you tell one of the main boatmen that you have a super tight flight schedule, they may be able to assist. If you are a party of two, maybe one of you can also secure your taxi while the other jumps in the immigration line. It will take you about 15 minutes to get to the airport. Just be sure whoever you book is going to Telaga (not Kuah). :)
hi, need some advice pls…
i will be going to lipe jan 2018 but do u think i have enough time to take the 2.30pm ferry at Telaga port?
my AA flight will reach Langkawi at 12.15pm…but afraid there might be some delays, just in case…
Hi Maria, I personally don’t rely on a perfect everything.(I have bad transportation karma). You could wait until closer to the date and ask AA if there is any chance the flight will be ‘delayed’. As in if your flight is not full and the next flight isn’t full they may delay to ensure a full plane. If flying from within Malaysia and no immigration to deal with you should be able to get to Telaga by 130. Do let me know how it goes. :)
Hi Vanessa,
A bit confuse with Telaga Habour & Kuah Jetty. I’m taking ferry from Kuala Kedah to Langkawi. The ferry stop point is it same as the place I want to take ferry to Koh Lipe? If not the same, Telaga Habour or Kuah Jetty which is more convenience from me to take ferry to Koh Lipe?
Jeny Lee
Jenny, the Kuala Kedah ferry delivers to the Kuah Jetty. Telaga Harbor is across the island closer to the airport and the ferry option there only goes from Telaga Harbor to Koh Lipe. If you are coming to Langkawi with plans to immediately leave for Koh Lipe, Kuah ferry would be the most convenient. The Kuah Ferry terminal has boats to and from, Penang, Kuala Perlis, Kuala Kedah and Satun, Thailand.(and Koh Lipe). For people flying in and out of Langkawi, Telaga is more convenient as it is not very far from the airport. :)
Thanks Vanessa. Then I will book the ferry ticket from Kuah Jetty to Koh Lipe. Thank so much for you sharing.
You’re very welcome Jeny! Have a great time and be sure to take lots of selfies. :D
Hi Vanessa
We’re heading to Koh Lipe on Saturday after being in Langkawi for a week. Do you know how long we can spend travelling around Thailand from then? We’re from the UK. I’ve read 15 days and 30 days for tourist visa but I’m not sure which it is.
Emma x
Hi Emma, if you fly into Thailand it’s 30 days, last I heard over land is two weeks. But you can pay extra for a ‘special’ 30-day visa (extension). You may be able to get that at Koh Lipe immigration when you check in. I’m not sure how much that 30 day visa is, but at the least be prepared to pay in Baht. Be sure to tell them you want 30-days, before you give them your passport.. :D You might also want to check the Thai immigration website for latest updates as well, because there is a lot of conflicting word of mouth info floating around. There is a CIMB Money Exchange at the Langkawi Airport (next to the arrival door).
Hi you get 30 days nowadays when you enter Thailand even from land. At least for us that comes from counties where no entry visa is required (Sweden and most west countries). That changed 2016.
Thanks Gunilla, there may be some inconsistencies depending on where one crosses. Or how many times one ‘visits’ Thailand within a year. And of course, the tourist’s passport. I think the golden rule is that it is still up to the individual immigration officer. I have personally gotten 2 weeks as well as 30 days (crossing by land with a US passport in 2016), but I think at the time of getting the 30 days I had showed them proof I was catching a flight in Thailand. At the time I was also pulled away from the other tourists and questioned. And even stranger was that I was also pulled aside flying out of Chiang Mai, letting me know there was some ‘issue’ at my previous land border crossing. I have no clue what any of it was about, nor could anyone explain. (I had been in Chiang Mai 3 weeks pet sitting.) I’d say it’s worth it to carry a printed copy of the latest visa rules just in case the officer needs latest updates.
Mind to share the transportation cost from Langkawi airport to Telega Harbour?
Hi George, it is about 28RM give or take.. Uber services are also available.
HI, i will be flying from Penang and it arrives in Langkawi at 1 pm. Do i have time to catch a taxi to Telaga and make it to the 2:30 boat to Ko Lipe ? Or is it cutting too close ? Thank you for your help and suggestion
Hi dt, hope this isn’t too late. I personally think it’s too tight, because of the possibilities of late flight or other unknown issues. If you are flying in domestic, can get luggage and ‘arrange’ a taxi and on the road by 130 and check in to Telaga before 2pm and then run to immigration (short walk), stand in a line and get stamped out of Malaysia in under 30 minutes so can be on the boat by 230. If everything runs perfectly and the immigration line isn’t long.. I think you could make it, but any delay could kill the plan. :/
Thank you for the info!
I’ll taking a Koh Lipe – Langkawi ferry next month (April 2018).
My Air Asia from Langkawi to KL departs 8:25pm.
There is a ferry option Koh Lipe – Langkawi (Kuah), departing 3:45pm and arriving 6:15pm (Malaysia time).
So I have from 6:15pm (fingers crossed no delays) till 7:40pm to pick up luggage, go through immigrations, take a taxi and get to Langkawi airport… Is 1 hour 20 min enough time?
It is possible to do immigrations at Kuah Jetty, isn’t it?
Thank you in advance for your comments!
Hey Ana.. that gives you 1 hour and 15 minutes for docking, immigration , getting taxi and blasting the 30+ minutes to the airport. Air Asia is very strict on that 1 hour before check in (from my experience). Would be worth to take the slightly later flight too, if that’s a possibility. I think you can make it if indeed no delays and if Air Asia doesn’t change the flight time, but it’s close. If a flight on either side of a flight is not full they sometimes combine flights.. (my experience). When you get through immigration at Kuah ferry terminal race to the front of the ferry building and look for a taxi ‘uncle'(the older gentlemen are my favorites). Don’t waste any time wheeling and dealing with friendly dudes inside the ferry terminal. :D Good luck and have fun!
Hey ! I would like to travel in mid-august! There is no way possible to get from langkawi to kho lipe at that time??
Thank you !
Hey Eveline, yes and no. From Langkawi you take the Kuah to Satun (Thailand) ferry and take a taxi or mini van north to Pak Bara. It isn’t far. And from there you take a ferry over to Koh Lipe. ‘Off season’ you will find some Koh Lipe businesses take a month or so off, but there are still plenty of hotels and businesses open and you will get often get ‘off season’ hotel rates. I’m heading up to Pak Bara myself next month, so will hopefully get 2018 season ferry schedule updates. There may be just one daily ferry around noon, but as of now I am not sure. That noon ferry can be made from Langkawi if you catch the morning ferry from Langkawi and hustle (I’ve done it). Even better to grab a private taxi to get from Satun to Pak Bara, because they are no nonsense (and fast) :D
hi, i am travelling to Koh Lipe during low peak season (mid june).
may i know what are the activity which suitable for a grandfather, 2 children (below 7) and the mother?
Hi YY! There are a few tour agencies along walking street who can help you better than I can. I generally go to Koh Lipe to relax and do nothing. Maybe the grandfather might like to go fishing. And the kids will probably be happy to go swimming and play in the sand. Maybe pack them some aqua socks/water shoes and some beach toys. Koh Lipe also sells beach toys and children’s mask and swim fins. They will be able to see some fish close to shore. The mother can take advantage of inexpensive massages and mani-pedi options (get pampered). :D
thanks Vanessa for you recommendation… my concern would be during low peak season… would this package available?
I actually have no idea if there are any fishing trips available in low season. With low season may come some rain or bouncy water. Maybe the grandfather could just bring his own fishing pole? Or if you have booked your hotel already they will probably know a local who takes people fishing at ‘the secret spot'(where ever that may be). I unfortunately have never taken any tours or used any guides in Koh Lipe. Last time I was there (low season) I did try to book a special sea gypsy beach bbq only to be told by my hotel that it wasn’t available in low season. (Meaning they didn’t have enough people to make it worth their time and effort, even if I paid extra). I also tried to book a special sea gypsy fishing trip, but was also given the run around by my hotel. I am assuming because I was just one person and not a small group or family that would bring in more money and make it worth their effort. Or that they knew the fisherman would not want to be stuck on a boat with one old lady tourist. :P Needless to say, that hotel wasn’t very helpful and unfortunately had no alternative suggestions for me. Hopefully your hotel will be more willing to assist. But I’m sure at least one ‘tour’ company will be open on Walking street because they also sell bus tickets and ferry tickets. Will you be catching the tail end of the seasonal ferry from Langkawi? Or going to Koh Lipe via Thailand route? If I remember correctly, the main ferry ticket seller in Pak Bara also sells various tour packages. I found them to be very helpful to me with information as well as ferry tickets. But I think once the grandfather sees the clear water and swaying palms he’s going to be happy to just be there spending time with his family. ;)
Hi Vanessa, your blog is excellent and it contains a lot of useful information. I would like to seek for your advice about the connection between Kuah Jetty to the airport. Hope you could give me more information on this.
I would like to stay for 3 nights in Koh Lipe from 21st May to 24th May. So, I plan to take the ferry at 9:30am from Telaga Harbor to Koh Lipe on 21st May and return by taking the ferry at 11:00am from Koh Lipe to Kuah Jetty. According to the schedule, the ferry will arrive at Kuah Jetty at 2:00pm. If I am catching a flight at 4:45pm, do you think I would or would not have enough time to reach the airport around 3:00pm?
Thank you very much for your help and advice.
Hi Flora! If no delays you should have enough time to catch your flight. Quick tip is to try to make sure your luggage is easy to get to and not buried under lots of other luggage. It’s worth even asking the boat guys when you board that you would like to keep your luggage visible. Be ready to pounce out the door with luggage in hand and head straight to immigration (in case there are many passengers). Get through immigration and head straight to the front of the ferry building to the curb. No dawdling. No bathroom break.. (take care of that on the ferry :D ) You will be approached by taxi drivers as you walk through the terminal… but not all of them have their taxi parked curbside. Politely decline them and head to the curve. You want a fast get away. I’m assuming it’s a domestic flight you are catching so check in is usually no later that one hour before the flight. IF you are flying ‘international’ do check with the airline on their requirements. **Also you might want to arrive with at least some baht as they are now charging a 200baht National Park fee upon arrival and you will also need at least 50baht for a taxi.. more for a water taxi unless pre-arranged with your hotel. I just returned from Koh Lipe and the weather was excellent and the water was divine. You’re going to have a great time! :)
Hi Vanessa, you are wonderful. I believe you had a very nice trip in Koh Lipe. Your valuable information and get away tips are super useful for me. Thank you for getting back to me.
I am actually flying to KL for transit. Hong Kong is my destination.
My plan is slightly changed. I will be staying in Koh Lipe between 18th and 21st May. The day I return is Monday so I hope it will less busy than usual. What do you reckon?
Hey Flora, thank you! :D Monday will probably be a great day to return. Ramadan (the fasting month) will be starting in Malaysia May 16/17 (just an FYI). My recent return was on a Friday which was not great timing on my part but it wasn’t actually too crowded. Just that my luggage got buried at the bottom of the heap (another whoops on my part). Not sure if I mentioned it, but I stayed in Sunrise Beach at Lipe Beach Resort and it was super relaxing. The staff are super helpful there too.
I absolutely love the Telaga Harbor immigration building. So colorful!
Hi Vanessa,
Its been an absolute pleasure reading your blog. I need some advice. We will be landing in Langkawi at 10.40am on the 28th of May then need to get to Koh Lipe that day. Most websites say that there are only morning departures but i have found websites that say there is a 2pm departure until the 31st of May.
I contacted the Langkawi Ferry Services and they werent very clear except for mentioning that certain tickets arent available online and only in person at the jetty. Any chance you might know of a way for me to get this info? I really dont want to waste a night on the island (ive already pre-booked all our accommodation) because of this, im not even sure we would make it via Pak Bara if we tried.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Kind regards,
Hi Karolina! Thank you for the compliment. :D I just looked at Bus On line and it says 230 departure for both Telaga and Kuah Jetties on the 28th. Did you check them already? I just booked my recent trip through their website and got immediate confirmation. (I’m also in their affiliate program so I trust them) This link is also in the blog. https://www.busonlineticket.com/booking/jetty-langkawi-to-koh-lipe-ferry-tickets. At present there are 3 ferries running from Langkawi to Satun.. (to get to Pak Bara) but do note that those ferry times may change during Ramadan the fasting month.. which starts May 16/17. But try the Bus on Line link 1st.
Hi Vanessa,
Can you get a ferry to Koh Lipe from Langkawi in July? And if so, is it worth it with the monsoon weather.
Hey Paul, no you can’t. The season is from October to June. You can however take the ferry from Langkawi to Satun and then take a taxifrom the Satun ferry building to Pak Bara where you can get a speed boat ferry to Koh Lipe. July isn’t a bad time to visit Koh Lipe either, except some businesses will close for a few months (after high season). Still plenty of hotels (lower rates) and restaurants available.
Hi Vanessa,
Can you advise which Jetty/Terminal will be suitable and more convenient for us if we are coming from airport but returning will be staying a night in Langkawi Kuah town. I know airport is nearer to Telaga Harbor but since we are going to stay a night in Langkawi upon returning from Koh Lipe, would it be wiser to embark in Kuah Terminal? Or maybe there’s not much different? Btw, we are traveling in December. Cheers!
Hey Mary, if you already booked a room in Kuah it will be more convenient to return from Koh Lipe to the Kuah Ferry Terminal. Telaga is nearish to the airport. So you will be doubling your transit time if you have to head back into Kuah. If it’s not too late to change that, there are lots of hotels on the airport side of the island as well. (then you can take extra time before departure to relax) :D
Hey Vanessa!
So glad to find your blog! Do you think we could we make a flight departing from Langkawi Airport at 4pm? We would need to travel from Koh Lipe to Langkawi to make the flight. This would be in early January and I’ve heard getting from Koh Lipe to Langkawi airport can take a while. Please let us know if you think this flight time would be too tight.
Thank you!!
Hey Dylan.. January is no problem, because there will be two ferries running between Oct – June. One from Kuah and one from Telaga Harbor and they both offer morning and afternoon services.. You will need to leave on the morning ferry from Koh Lipe though. Ferry trip is roughly 90minutes. It is less than 30 minutes from Telaga to the airport (so be sure to book return ticket from Koh Lipe direct to Telaga and not the scenic route to Kuah .. give yourself at least 1 hour for immigration (located at Telaga Harbor), grab a taxi and you’ll be at the airport in a jiff. Do note there is also a one hour difference.. 1030am in Koh Lipe is 1130am in Langkawi. The 2nd return ferry option is 2pm and no way you’ll catch a 4pm flight.. So bottom line.. yes you will have enough time to catch the flight without having a nervous breakdown, if you take the morning ferry from Koh Lipe to Telaga Harbor (the easiest route in my opinion)..**You can also return via Kuah, but it does take more time as it’s much farther from the airport. January can get busy so book your tickets in advance just in case. (Koh Lipe-Telaga). Smiling taxi drivers will be waiting for you outside of immigration. :D
Hi Vanessa,
I would like to plan a trip to Koh Lipe Island. Will be taking flight from KL ( do advice any flight from Subang Airport ) . Could you advice which is the ideal month to travel (to avoid school holidays), that i may reduce the travelling time hassle of transit by taxi or longer hours by boat.
I love snorkeling, could you advice which month is ideal ? I have experience big wave which actually spoil the trip can’t really see much but drowsy and tired hit by waves. lol
At Koh lipe island , could you also recommend hotel which nice and reasonable price near to beach . i see some of the accommodation comes with mosquito netting meaning the accommodation is without air-conds.
Hi Sean! Koh Lipe is in low season from mid June to early to mid October, the ferry services from Langkawi directly to Koh Lipe are only available during that time. You can however take a Langkawi ferry to Satun, Thailand and take a mini van to Pak Bara and get a ferry to Koh Lipe from there. There are regular flights from Subang to Langkawi on Firefly. If you are going to Koh Lipe off season, another route from KL is to fly to Hat Yai and take a mini van from there to Pak Para to catch a ferry. Hotel wise, I am not usually a big fan of non-aircon rooms but I did recently stay at Lipe Beach Resort in a non-aircon room. Excellent resort, but I am often using electronics and need cooler temperatures for my computer. I will stay there again but will opt for an aircon room for sure. Diving, I am no expert at. But usually after high season, many local businesses take time off so would suggest you contact the dive shops directly. Forre Dive Center is right next door to Lipe Beach Resort, FYI. They are also on Facebook and do answer questions there.. (or at least have with me in the past). I personally like to hit seasonal places at the beginning or end of ‘high season’. My most recent trip to Koh Lipe was in April mid week and the water was gorgeous and many dive boats were visible along the water. I could have waited until May and probably saved some money on my room rate but I just went for it. Historically December and January are the most popular months for tourists as it is Christmas and New Years.. I was in Koh Lipe in July a couple of years ago and saw a lot of rain. BUT! I got half off rate on a beachfront 4 star. :D So.. if coming via Langkawi; October to June the direct ferry service is available. If coming via KL to Hat Yai.. there is/was a daily ferry from Pak Bara to Koh Lipe around noon daily. *If I was you I would wait until October when the direct ferry from Langkawi starts up again (mid week if you can).
Hi Vanessa .
Your blog is have very clear explanation . Here I have a question . I am travelling actually tomorrow to Koh Lipe . 18/6/2018 . The weather forecast showed thunder storm . This make me worry about the ferry transit with 2 boys .9 years old and 7 years old . And I am 24 weeks pregnant . What do you suggest , I can stay back Langkawi . Is the sea going very rough during this season
Hi Annie, there actually is a storm at present in Langkawi waters.. I would advise you to contact the ferry company you are using and ask them if there are any changes to the ferry schedule (and perhaps also double check with your doctor concerning your pregnancy travels). As far as I know the ferry boats from Langkawi are all sturdy and safe, there may be a possibility of getting wet in Thailand, when transferring from the off shore dock to the beach though (speaking from personal experience). I bring along heafty trash bags to cover my personal items and electronics, and rainjackets would probably be a smart idea too. *Make sure you and your family are fitted with lifejackets, too* The weather can be tricky this time of year but I also would not be surprised if tomorrow is a gorgeous day either. With any luck this storm will blow through quickly and be done.
Hi Vanessa
You are wonderful! I regretted … i should have found your blog and learn your advice prior to booking my flights to Langkawi for destination Koh Lipe!
Well… what a wrong time – mid Aug > Koh Lipe (Malaysia time)
Langkawi – Satun 60min dep:9am
Satun – Pakbara 90min 10am
Pakbara – Koh Lipe 90min 1130am
Koh Lipe eta 1pm
==Koh Lipe -> Langkawi (Thai time)
Koh Lipe – Pakbara 90min dep: 930am
Pakbara – Satun 90min 1130am
Satun – Langkawi 60min 430pm
Langkawi 530pm
The itinerary from Lipe to Langkawi is taking whole day! wondering is there any other better options?
Many thanks in advance for your help & advice.
Love your time line! So organized. You will see a lot of sites along the way for sure. I have been to Koh Lipe in July and saved a ton of money on my hotel room. I think August is still ok.. maybe a little rain. Time-wise maybe can skim an hour or so off by flying to Hat Yai instead of Langkawi and 2ish hour mini van from there to Pak Bara. But if you already have tickets to Langkawi… just go for it! It will be an adventure.
Thanks so much Vanessa
I’m pleased in hearing your opinion. I will try to enjoy my limited 36hr on lipe~
You’re welcome, hope you have perfect weather! Have fun and safe travels!
Hi vanessa. Im planning on a trip to koh lipe by this dcember.. is it a good time for a holiday at koh lipe in december?
Hi Nursyafiq! Yes December is excellent for Koh Lipe, but it is smack in the middle of ‘high season’. You might want to take a look at hotel rates and availability early especially if your travel dates run around Christmas to New year. Some of the hotels get booked up solid. Or at least the nicer beach fronts. But the weather should be perfect and you can easily get there from Langkawi via ferry.
Hi Vanessa,
I am so happy to have found your blog. We will be travelling to Koh Lipe from Singapore in February.
We will be arriving at Langkawi airport and then taking the ferry from Telaga Terminal.
There are only two flight options from Singapore:
Air Asia – departs Singapore at 10:45am and arrive at Langkawi airport at 12:15 pm
Scoot – departs Singapore at 8:40am and arrives at Langkawi airport at 10:05
I have gone over your previous posts but I am having a difficulty time choosing a flight. I’m afraid of missing the ferry if I arrive at Langkawi airport at 12:15pm. If we take the earlier flight then we have 4.5 hours to kill and I’m not sure if there is anything to do around the Telaga Terminal.
ANY suggestions would be helpful!
Hey Kiran, thanks! If I was you I’d take Scoot. And just take your time. Once you get to Telaga and check in.. it’s just a short walk across to ‘Perdana Quay'(at Telaga Harbor, it’s directly next door to The Danna Hotel). The ferry service people may or may not be willing to watch your luggage while you are away, but unless you are lugging a steamer trunk it should be easy enough just to take your luggage with you. The boardswalk has a few waterfront cafes and sundry shop.(even a duty free shop). The extra time will just fly by and you will be so much more relaxed when you arrive in Koh Lipe. Alternatively, you could also take the ferry from Kuah and just ‘kill time’ taking selfies at Eagle Square or take advantage of more duty free shopping an the ferry terminal.Loads of eateries there too.
Thank you for the very prompt reply Vanessa!! Your advice is greatly appreciated. We will take the ferry from Kuah instead then. I hope we enjoy Koh Lipe (especially my husband who wanted to go to other islands that were closer and much more easier to get to). However , I always want to take the path that is least travelled and I’ve taken great lengths to get to this island as a part of our trip to Thailand and Cambodia. Its because of Koh Lipe that I had to add Singapore (or Kuala Lampur) for a couple of days to our itinerary (it was the most practical route from Phnom Penh without having to go back through mainland Thailand).
I’m sure all the restaurants/eateries around Kuah and in Koh Lipe serve good food, but if you have any recommendations, I would be interested in trying them first.
Thanks again!
Kiran, sounds like you will be doing a lot of island hopping! Love it! Since you ARE heading to Singapore… did you happen to see my post on Changi Village? It’s near the Changi Airport and it’s an interesting alternative to fighting the crowds of Singapore proper. Also, if you take the ferry from Kuah to Koh Lipe, you always have the option of returning from Koh Lipe via Telaga and be closer to the airport. But do note that it depends on who you are booking with. If roundtrip from Kuah then you will be returning via Kuah. If you book one ways then you can mix it up. Also note that you need to book at least one day in advance for Kuah or Telaga departures. If booking online, be sure to double check your departure and arrival locations. And beware of ‘fabulous online deals’ unless from Telaga or Tropical Charters’ websites. Food wise.. oy, the choices are endless and diverse. I generally try to pick places with the least amount of tourists, otherwise I get special ‘tourist food’ zzzz. :D
Hi I will be traveling from langkawi on 25th nov to KOH lipe , can I check if I should take the ferry from Kuah Jetty or Telaga Harbour? I will be staying In langkawi on 24th nov as I wanna catch the morning ferry at 9am to KOH lipe 😃
Hi Carrie, your departure ferry is your choice. If staying in Kuah it would make more sense to leave from Kuah and if staying closer to the airport, it would make more sense to leave from Telaga. But do note that you need to purchase your ticket at least a day in advance. You also don’t just buy a ticket and leave from where ever.. the ticket will be specific depending on which company you purchase from. Hope that helps. :)
Hi Vanessa, just stumbled upon this — love it! Does Koh Lipe have a proper jetty for passengers to arrive on? I’ve two elderly folks with me. Saw a video on Koh Lipe arrival and it seems everyone has to hop from a ferry onto a longtail boat that brings them as close to the shore as possible before everyone wades in the water to make it to passport control. We’ll be ferrying from Langkawi. Folks (80 yo) really wish to make the trip. Though neither are on wheelchair, they might find the ferry-boat-checkpoint “transfers” a tad challenging. Thanks in advance!
Hi Anis, yes and no. The initial stop is at an offshore dock and then everyone regroups into smaller numbers to be taken to shore by long tail. I myself have a fused left ankle and get nervous having to teeter across rocking boats etc, but typically the boat guys are very helpful to assists us ‘elderly folks’ so your ladies should be fine. Make sure they are wearing proper shoes and not all dolled up in accessories that could get caught on anything also. Electronics in waterproof bags etc.. I even prefer to but my suitcase in a trash bag just in case. So… they will be climbing from big ferry boat to offshore platform/dock, then climbing back down into a slightly wobbly long tail boat, then climbing out of a long tail (on a small ladder like in a swimming pool) into knee deep water and wading a bit to shore Let them know it is ok to take their time, but try to be mindful not to take too much time. :D They will also not be the only 80 year olds in Koh Lipe and will love the adventure!
Hi Vanessa, is end June will be ideal to travel to Koh Lipe & where will be the best to depart from Langkawi or from any part of Kedah? TQ
Hi SS Tan, the seasonal ferries from Langkawi end Mid June. You of course can still get to Koh Lipe via Satun/Pak Bara. I think the end of June is still an ok time to go to Koh Lipe, however some of those businesses will close up for a month or two for their annual break. Still plenty of hotels and stores, etc.. open though. If you want to just chill and get a good price on a hotel room. End of June is great. Oh! Can still get there from Langkawi but you will have to go from Kuah to Satun, Thailand via ferry and catch the 11:30 or 12:30 speed boat from Pak Bara. You can also catch a mini van from Hat Yai to Pak Bara.
Hi! I’m planning to spend some days in Koh Lipe before leave, in mid of November. I have a flight to catch in Langkawi, on a Saturday, at 20:55h. Do you think arriving at Telaga Harbor at 18:30h I would have enough time?
I’m a little bit concern with the speedboat delays… do they usually arrive on time? Is the immigration procedure fast?
Additionally, is there any speedboat company you may recommend?
Thank you! :)
Hey Lucelia, I assume you are catching a domestic flight? It should be enough time… I personally don’t like to push my luck when it comes to tight time schedules. Unless there is engine problems the boats are usually right on schedule. If you are booking to Telaga just be sure to get the direct boat service (https://telaga-terminal.com/), NOT the one that goes to Telaga and then to Kuah. Immigration is usually quick unless there are a lot of people, so try to get off the boat quickly. It will take you about 20-30 minutes to grab a taxi and get to the airport once you are through immigration. You will have no problem finding a taxi after you clear immigration, they will be waiting for the boat to come in. Oh, also double check with the airline to make sure there isn’t a risk of them changing the flight time, before you book your return ferry. :) Hope this helps.
Yes, it is a domestic flight. Ok, I think I’ll take the risk (hoping everything will happens as expected!) Thank you so much for all your tips Vanessa :)
Ok, glad I could sort of help. Just remember get off the boat fast after it lands in Telaga! And have fun!
We are heading to Langkawi and Koh Lipe from Australia in March, should we get Thai baht here, Langkawi or wait till Koh Lipe? I’m sort of leaning towards Langkawi but it may mean i need to exchange twice. Any suggestions would be awesome.
Hey Kerri, you can exchange at the airport in Langkawi (or KL). You will need to pay a National Park Fee at Immigration when you check in so it will be good to have baht before you arrive (less hassle running up and down the street looking for a money exchange). You will also need to pay your Langkawi taxi (airport to/from ferry terminal or Telaga) Ringgit. Hope this helps.
Thanks Vanessa
Just wondering where the best exchange rate for Baht would be though, Langkawi or Koh Lipe, would be interesting to know the rates before i go.
Thank you
Some say Thailand has a better exchange rate.
Dear Vanessa,
Thank you very much for all the useful information on your blog. We are a group of people from Bulgaria and we are planning to visit Langkawi in two weeks time, I am wondering if we could visit Koh Lipe for a day or so as well. Is a visa required for such a short period, does the immigration office issue visas on arrival and do you know the cost? Also, is it worth the effort for an overnight stay?
Thank you very much!
Hi Lubomir! You’re welcome. You can visit Koh Lipe in a day but it is a very tight schedule.I personally recommend at least one night because if you take the morning ferry from Telaga you will get to Koh Lipe early enough to enjoy the day and then relax that night and take ferry back the next day. If you go in one day you will be off the boat and then have about 2 hours before checking back into immigration to come back. I do not know what your country visa requirements are for Thailand so you need to check that. You will get a passport stamp for 2 weeks upon arrival to Koh Lipe Immigration. This Langkawi-Koh Lipe ferry option is seasonal so you are lucky you are traveling now. It is a bit of a pain in the butt to check out of Langkawi hotel and recheck in, but if you can afford it I’d say just keep the room and bring only what you need to Koh Lipe. The water is crystal clear in Koh Lipe and looks just like all the travel brochures. (honest!). You need to make a plan now though because Christmas and New Years travel times book up fast.
Love your blog ! I’m heading to Langkawi and Koh Lipe during the Christmas holidays.
I need abit of advice though and I’m wondering if you are able to help me out.
There are a fair number of ferries from langkawi and koh lipe and the price varies quite a bit. Can you recommend me the ones you normally take to Koh Lipe from Langkawi ?
Hey Kelvin, I personally prefer to take the Telaga Harbor ferry. Just book direct with them and there will be no confusion. Make sure it picks up and returns in Telaga Harbor. I hadn’t noticed much differences in prices except when dealing with agents, so just go to Telaga Harbor website and book direct with them. I would not go looking for ‘special’ ticket deals from agents and risk a mis-communication. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the tip. You are referring to telaga terminal right? (https://telaga-terminal.com/).
I tried googling for telaga harbor ferry and this was the closest match.
Yes that’s the one. I mention it also in the blog post with the link. That terminal is also closest to the airport also..
Oops! thank you again!
:D Hope you have an awesome trip!
Thank you so much for the information. It was informative. More importantly, I learnt about the natives of Koh Lipe, Urak (Orang in Malay – same sound) Lawoi in Koh Lipe. I clicked on the link of the Youtube song you provided there, the song entitled “Tanah Air KIta” – literally means Our Motherland (it is in Malay language), To my surprise, I could understand fully the lyrics! The song melody is in Keroncong. a traditional Malay song that has not been sung much nowadays. Thank you so much for the information. It is good to know that they came from Koh Lanta, and stay in Koh Lipe in which both were originally Malay lands in South of Thailand especially prior to 1909. Sadly too, Malay States were given to Siam by the colonist British to Siam. I went to Satun recently, and I was beyond estatic to meet the natives there who are the Malays too. Unfortunately, the younger generation can’t speak their mother tongue anymore. So sad!
Hey Lily, yes it’s a fascinating story behind how their first village chief came from Banda Aceh and then (from what I read) married a woman from Yan. Interestingly enough, I think one of their ‘traditional songs’ is also one that the Mah Meri often sing in their performances. So yes the connections to Malaysia are definitely there. I think I read also that the Urak Lawoi were also previously living in Langkawi.